Medical Spa Common Questions

Medical Spa Common Questions

    Laser Hair Removal FAQ

  • How does laser hair removal work and why is it safe?

    Lasers have been used for over a decade for a variety of medical cosmetic procedures including treatment of facial and leg veins, age spots and smoothing fine lines on the face. We utilize state-of-the-art technology to customize your treatment depending upon your skin type and hair density. Our laser hair removal systems emit a precise beam of pulsating light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where the energy is absorbed by melanin (or pigment) that gives color to the hair shaft. The lasers’ energy is then absorbed by the pigment in the hair and transferred to the surrounding hair follicle.

  • What areas can be treated?

    Laser hair removal can be performed on almost area of the body for men and women - from small areas such as your upper lip, underarms, bikini area, chin, neck, and face, to larger areas such as arms, chest, back, and legs.

  • Why is laser preferred for hair removal?

    Most people are great candidates. Traditional hair removal techniques, such as shaving, plucking and waxing, provide only temporary relief. Until now, the only long-lasting hair removal solution has been by electrolysis - which can be time-consuming and is usually limited to small areas, because each hair is treated individually. Laser hair removal is non-invasive, and safely removes unwanted body hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. Facial and bikini area sessions are usually completed in under 20 minutes; legs and larger areas can take longer.
    One significant advantage of laser hair removal treatment is that it affects a large number of hair follicles at once resulting is a quicker more permanent results. As a general rule, several treatments will be required and you and can expect to see a 50% reduction in hair growth after just one treatment.
    If you hate shaving, or are tired of putting up with painful waxing, tweezing or electrolysis, laser hair removal may be the best solution for you.

  • Will laser hair removal work for me?

    The best results have been achieved on darker, coarse hair, but other factors may influence the treatment process, and are generally best evaluated and discussed in person. We offer a complimentary consultation. Depending on the amount of hair and area treated, the procedure varies from patient to patient. Generally, the treatment will begin by trimming away the hair above the skin to be treated. Protective glasses will be provided to protect your eyes from the laser's bright light. Next, a cool gel (similar to an ultrasound gel) will be spread over the treatment area. The laser's handpiece will then be applied to the skin to deliver the pulses of light needed to begin disabling your unwanted hair.

  • What does the treatment include?

    Depending on the amount of hair and area treated, the procedure varies from patient to patient. Generally, the treatment will include: Safety eyewear to protect the patient's eyes during the procedure from the laser light. A small handpiece will be used to deliver the laser light. Most experience little discomfort at the treatment site. The sensation and the degree of discomfort varies with each person. In some cases, topical anesthesia is an option. Your laser specialist will discuss this before laser treatment. Depending on the size or number of areas treated, the time will vary in length from minutes to hours. Patients can return to work or resume their normal activities immediately following treatment. The area may become slightly red and may last from a few minutes to several days depending on the area and skin sensitivity.

  • Are there any restrictions on my activity after treatment?

    You can return to work or resume normal activities immediately following your procedure. However, since some redness may occur, you may want to plan your work or social engagements accordingly. This may last from a few minutes to several days depending on the area and skin sensitivity.

  • What precautions should be taken before and after treatment?

    You MUST stop plucking or waxing hair for several weeks for laser to be optimally effective. We have a variety of lasers to safely treat all skin types and skin colors including dark & tanned skin. Our highly trained professionals educate you on your options and tailor a treatment program that best suits your personal needs. Together you and the laser specialist can decide if your expectations will be met and which treatment is the best option for you.

  • How many treatments will I need?

    Hair grows in cycles. The laser is only effective on hair in its actively growing cycle. At any one time there will only be certain hairs in that growing phase. This means that consistent treatments at appropriate intervals are absolutely necessary for the best possible results. The number of treatments required depends upon your skin, hair coloring, coarseness of the hair and density per treated area. Multiple treatments may be required. The laser hair removal system causes permanent reduction in the number of hairs growing in an area. Because hair grows in three phases, and each hair goes through these stages independently, it is almost impossible for one laser treatment to permanently reduce all hair in a given area. Clinical studies, which have followed patients for one year after completing two treatments, have shown that reduction in hair growth was stable for the duration of that time. While individual results may vary, patients typically find that it takes 3 to 6 treatments to get the desired results.

  • How does laser hair removal compare with other hair removal methods?

    Shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams are all temporary methods which must be repeated on a frequent basis. Laser hair removal offers longer lasting results for your hair removal needs.

  • Is laser hair removal covered by insurance?

    Most insurance companies do not offer reimbursement for cosmetic procedures.

  • Electrolysis FAQ

  • How does electrolysis work?

    A trained electrologist inserts a small metal probe into the hair follicle alongside the hair. A small amount of electric current is then delivered to the probe by a sensitive electronic device called an epilator. Depending on the technique used, the electric current destroys the hair root either by heat or chemical action and in some methods by both at the same time.

  • Is electrolysis permanent?

    Electrolysis has been shown to be permanent in over a century of use. Its permanency has been well recognized by knowledgeable physicians and is also testified to by hundreds of scientific articles published in the medical literature. In addition to scientific recognition, there are over one million happy and satisfied people who have solved a very personal and embarrassing problem with the help of electrolysis.

  • Is electrolysis safe?

    Electrolysis has a 120 year history of safety and effectiveness. I am not aware of one case of significant disease being caused or transmitted because of electrolysis. Modern well-trained electrologists utilize the most up-to-date effective methods of sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis, and follow guidelines set up by a major electrolysis organization in conjunction with the CDC (Center of Disease Control). Don't hesitate to ask your electrologist about the scientific methods he/she uses to guarantee your safety.

  • Do home-methods of electrolysis work?

    Not very well. If the home method is one where the probe is inserted into the hair follicle, it has the potential for working. The problem with home methods is treating yourself which often requires mirrors or having an untrained friend help you. The technique of electrolysis requires significant training for proper hand-eye coordination.

  • Is electrolysis painful?

    Whether there is any discomfort during electrolysis is quite variable depending on a patient's tolerance, machine settings, modality used, as well as other factors. During most treatments a definite sensation should be noticed. It has been variously described as a "slight Heat", "tingling" or "stinging" sensation. Your electrologist is trained to work within the comfort tolerance of his/her patients. Do not hesitate to let him/her know what you are feeling.

  • Are there any side effects caused by electrolysis?

    Electrolysis has been performed for over 120 years and has proven to be an extremely safe procedure. Electrolysis, like many minor procedures in medicine, does have a short healing phase. During this time, there may be some transient redness or swelling and occasionally some pinpoint scabbing. Your electrologist will advise you regarding what can be expected during the healing phase.

  • What areas of the body can be treated?

    Hair can be removed from almost any part of the body. Some common areas for women include the hairline, eyebrows, top of the nose, cheeks, sideburn area, upper and lower lip, chin, throat, neck, shoulders, back, chest, breasts, abdomen, arms, legs, bikini line, hands, feet, toes and fingers. Hair on the eyelashes, inside the nose and inside the ear canal are only treated under the supervision of a physician. Men often have hair removed from the hairline, beard line, shoulders, back neck, chest ears and nose. Electrolysis is very helpful for treating ingrown hairs which frequently cause irritation in the beard area.

  • How long does electrolysis take to achieve permanency?

    Electrolysis requires a series of treatments given over a period of time. The length of time varies from person to person and is dependent on many factors. The density and coarseness of the hair, as well as the total area to be treated, are very important. How well you tolerate treatments and the consistency of the treatment affect the overall success. The cause of the unwanted hair and the temporary methods of dealing with the hair in the past are also involved in the treatment time. Many hairs will be permanently removed after the first treatment while some require additional treatment to achieve permanency. Treatment will be more frequent in the beginning and less frequent later on. The overall results - permanent, hair-free skin, are usually well worth the time spent.

  • Blue Light Acne Clearing FAQ

  • How does Bluelight destroy acne?

    Blue Light therapeutic light uses the innovative Acne PhotoClearing™ - APC™ technology to precisely target and destroy surface and ductal propionibacterium acnes (p.acnes) quickly and easily. Its intense 420mm wavelength light penetrates deeply enough into the tissue to reach the target p. acnes and trigger the proliferation of endogenic porphyrins to attack and eliminate the p. acnes bacteria.

  • What is the treatment like?

    The procedure is noninvasive and pain free, with full-face treatments taking only 25 minutes. Patients simply lie on a comfortable bed while the light is applied to the affected area; they can even listen to music while being treated. Once the treatment session is over, patients can return to their daily routine. This means no downtime or inconvenience, especially important factors for active teens and young adults.

  • What kind of results can I expect?

    Bluelight effectively clears most inflammatory acne in a few visits. There are virtually no side effects, no downtime and no exposure to antibiotics using the APC™ technology.

  • Skin Tightening FAQ

  • How does Palomar Skin Tightening Work?

    The Palomar LuxIR Fractional™ Infrared Handpiece delivers infrared light deep into the dermis. This light causes soft tissue coagulation which leads to remodeling of the collagen within the dermis. The remodeled collagen fills in wrinkles and sagging, for overall skin tightening.

  • What makes these treatments different from others?

    Rather than using one large beam to deliver infrared light into the skin, the LuxIR uses the "Fractional" approach: delivering an array of small beams. Each beam creates a heated column in the dermis, which is surrounded by an unaffected area. The unaffected tissue stimulates quicker collagen remodeling, and faster healing.

  • Are these treatments safe? Are they painful?

    The LuxIR Fractional method is much safer and more comfortable than the bulk heating approach of many other systems because it leaves so much of the skin unaffected by the light pulses.

    The LuxIR also uses 3-stage Cooling. It cools the skin before, during, and after each light pulse, so you feel little discomfort during treatment.

  • What should I expect after treatment?

    You may experience lingering warmth, tightness, or redness in the treated area, which fades within a few hours of treatment. Because so much of the skin is unaffected by the light pulses, there is a quick healing process. Generally, you can receive a treatment and go back to work or to other activities without any recovery time.

    A series of treatments at 4-6 week intervals may be required to achieve the desired result of smoother, tighter skin in the face, arms, abdomen, and other areas.

  • Are there other treatments available with this Palomar Technology?

    Although fantastic results are achieved with the first session, a minimum of six treatments is recommended for long-lasting results. These treatments are usually preformed every two weeks. After the first six sessions, you should receive treatments once a month to maintain your youthful-looking skin.

  • Who should consider Microdermabrasion?

    PURE Laser USA has chosen the Palomar Starlux® Pulsed Light and Laser System because it provides the most versatile, effective, and comfortable aesthetic treatments available in the marketplace. In addition to skin tightening, StarLux offers such treatments as permanent hair reduction, photofacials for the clearance of sunspots, rosacea, and spider veins, acne treatment, leg vein clearance, and more.

  • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) With Levulan (ALA) FAQ

  • What conditions can be treated with ALA/PDT Therapy?

    Photodynamic Therapy with Levulan is indicated for:

    • Removing pre-cancerous actininc keratoses (AK)
    • Preventing skin cancer
    • Improving wrinkles
    • Reducing pore size
    • Improving skin texture
    • Improving pigmentation
    • Treating moderate to severe cystic acne
    • Treating sebaceous hyperplasia
  • How many treatments will it I need?

    To achieve maximum improvement of pre-cancerous (actinic keratoses) sun damage, skin tone and texture, a series of three treatments 2-4 weeks apart is the most effective. Some patients with only actinic keratoses are happy with just one treatment. More treatments can be done at periodic intervals in the future to maintain the rejuvenated appearance of the skin.

  • What are treatments like?

    The Levulan, which is a clear painless solution, is applied to your skin and left on for 15-60 minutes. It is then activated with a specific wavelength of light called BLU-U or Clear-Light. This takes about 8-10 minutes.

    Following ALA/PDT, the treated areas can appear red with some peeling for 2-7 days. Some patients have an exuberant response to PDT, and experience marked redness of their skin. Temporary swelling of the lips and around your eyes can occur for a few days. Darker pigmented patches called liver spots can become temporarily darker and then peel off leaving normal skin. (This usually occurs over seven to ten days.)

  • How much improvement can I expect?

    Patients with severe sun damaged skin manifested by actinic keratosis, texture, and tone changes including mottled pigmentation and skin laxity may see excellent results. You may also see improvements of large pores and pitted acne scars. Active acne can improve dramatically.

  • Leg and Facial Vein Treatments FAQ

  • What are Spider Vein?

    Spider veins are small, thin superficial capillaries that lie close to the surface of the skin. They can look like tree branches or a spider web with their short jagged lines. They are connected to the larger venous system though they are not an essential part of it as they do not actually carry blood to the heart. Spider veins can be found on both the legs and the face and can cover both very small and very large areas of skin.

  • What Causes Spider Veins?

    No one knows exactly the cause of spider veins, but several factors including heredity are believed to cause a person to be more likely to develop them. Oral contraceptives, hormone changes and therapy, sun exposure and the natural aging process also may contribute to their development. Spider veins may also be related to rosacea, and other trauma to the skin or may be heredity.

  • How do treatments work?

    Photorejuvenation technologies deliver precise dosages of energy to targeted veins with minimal risk to surrounding healty skin. The energy is absorbed by the targeted vein(s) causing thermal coagulation of the blood in the vessel.

  • What do treatments feel like?

    Most experience little if any discomfort at the treatment site. The sensation and the degree of discomfort varies with each person. When pulses of light are delivered some patients feel a mild pinching or stinging sensation. Similar to the light snap of a rubber band. No local anesthesia or pain medication is typically required, however some patients may prefer to use a topical anesthetic when sensitive areas are treated.

  • How many treatments will I need?

    Typically, 3 to 6 treatments offer the best results; Depending on severity, clients usually notice significant improvement within one to two treatments. Potential for maximum long-term resolutions increases after another 1 - 2 sessions.

  • Will the veins return after Spider Vein Removal?

    Over time it is possible for new veins to appear, but these too can be erased. Optimal results can be maintained only if you apply sunscreen and avoid exposure to the sun.

  • How can I prevent spider veins?

    You can do a number of things to help prevent veins and to relieve discomfort from those you have:

    • Protect your skin form the sun by wearing sunscreen to limit spider veins on the face
    • Exercise regulary to maintain or improve leg strength, circulation and vein strength. Focus on exercises that work your legs, such as walking or running.
    • Avoid placing too much pressure on your legs by controlling your weight
    • Avoid standing for long periods of time. If you must stand for long periods, shift you weight from one leg to the other every few minutes. If you must sit for long periods, stand up, move around, or take a short walk every 30 minutes.

  • Microdermabrasion FAQ

  • What results can I expect?

    After your first treatment your skin will have a fresh pink glow and a smoother texture.

    Depending on the areas treated, you will notice an improvement in your skin's texture and appearance. Skin imperfections such as fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, acne scars and age spots will be reduced and less obvious. Your skin will feel smoother and softer, and look younger.

    Improvements will continue throughout your treatment program.

  • How many treatments are required?

    A series of Treatments may be needed. Treatments usually take 20 to 30 minutes depending on treatment goals. Many clients continue on with follow-up sessions to maintain their desired look.

  • Are there any aftercare recommendations?

    Microdermabrasion has No DOWNTIME! Most client can return immediately to their daily routine.
    We advise the use of moisturizers and sunscreen in conjunction treatments. Physician grade moisturizing products and sunscreen are available for purchase at all PURE locations.

  • Green Peel® FAQ

  • How does the Green Peel® work?

    reen Peel® - Herbal Deep Peeling Treatment consists of a special blend of plants and natural herbs. In contrast to other exfoliating creams or methods, it does not contain any chemicals or synthetic peeling agents.

    Green Peel® increases the blood circulation of the skin and causes the upper epidermal layers to peel off. The stimulated blood circulation intensifies metabolism and promotes healthy, more youthful-looking skin.

    It is perfectly safe and has no side effects. If the herbal preparation should inadvertently come into contact with the eyes, it will not cause them to sting or water.

  • How does the skin peel when no chemical substances are used?

    When the Green Peel® compound is massaged into your skin, the herbs own micro particles lightly polish the upper layers of skin (epidermis removal). Other active ingredients in the herbal preparation also penetrate the skin where they are absorbed by the cutis within 48 hours. Once absorbed they release valuable, natural active substances such as vitamins, plant hormones, enzymes and other beneficial ingredients into the skin. The absorbed active substances increase the blood circulation of the skin and causes the upper epidermal layers to peel off. The stimulated blood circulation intensifies metabolism and promotes healthy, more youthful-looking skin.

  • How does the skin look after the treatment?

    After the treatment the skin may be red and slight irriation similar to a mild sunburn may be experienced.

    Three to four days later exfoliated skin begins falling away. During this time you can work normally and should not need to take time off.

    On the fourth or fifth day a follow-up treatment takes place. Your PURE professional will, if necessary, massage and use a rich active preparation on the new skin, which is now very absorbent. There is no redness on the resurfaced skin. The complexion is considerably improved fresh, clear and radiant.

  • Medical Grade Chemical Peels FAQ

  • What Is a Chemical Peel?

    Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to remove the dead and damaged outer layers of skin. Chemical peels improve and smooth skin texture and help to reveal younger, clearer, more radiant skin. Chemical peels, also known as "Lunchtime Peels" are traditionally performed on the face, hands, and neck to treat fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and skin discoloration. Chemical peels are also effective in treating mild scarring and acne.

  • What type of peel is right for me?

    Your meeting with your PURE consultant is an integral part of the process. The type of treatment which is right for you will be determined by you and your PURE consultant to provide you with the greatest benefits.

  • How long do treatments take?

    Often referred to as "lunchtime peels," these treatments can be performed in about 15 to 20 minutes.

  • Is there any downtime?

    The in-office treatments require little or no recovery time. Although there is typically no downtime; after a treatment, depending on the customization of the procedure, you may experience redness the day of the treatment and minor peeling in the days following the procedure. Depending on your skin you may or may not experience peeling. If peeling occurs, it usually begins 2 to 4 days following your treatment and lasts for approximately 3 days. In addition you may experience mild itching and irritation.


  • What are BOTOX® Cosmetic Uses?

    It is most effective for wrinkles that are visible when smiling, laughing, raising the eyebrows or for crow's feet around the eyes. These wrinkles are called "dynamic" and tend to be much less noticeable when your face is completely relaxed. It also works well for bands in the neck.

  • Am I a good candidate?

    The best candidates for the procedure are those between ages of 25 and 65. In many cases, wrinkles in people over 65 are "static" and do not change when relaxing the face. Other procedures would work better for these patients. Each person is different however, and should undergo a consultation determine the most effective treatment plan.

  • How is BOTOX Cosmetic Administered?

    A very small amount of BOTOX® Cosmetic is injected into each or the target areas using a very small needle. Because the needle is fine, only a small amount of the liquid is injected and the associated discomfort is minimal. Most patients compare the sensation to light pinch. No sedation or local anesthetic is necessary and you can resume normal activities immediately afterwards.

  • Are the injections painful?

    The injections are very small and done with a tiny needle that usually does not cause discomfort. The pressure sensation associated with the injection goes away very quickly and patients can return to normal activities immediately after the procedure.

  • When will I notice the difference and how long will it last?

    The treatment takes three to eight days to take full effect which sometimes can be hastened by contracting the facial muscles. The results usually last from 3 to 5 months. Often, repeated treatments can lead to longer results. The effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic are confined to the treatment sites.

  • What happens as treatment begins to wear off?

    As the BOTOX® Cosmetic wears off the wrinkles will begin to reappear but frequently they are not as deep or noticeable. To maintain the smooth, youthful appearance year round, it requires three to four injections. With repeat treatments, the effects tend to last longer thus requiring fewer injections.

  • Is there any downtime?

    No. Most people return to work or normally activities immediately following treatment. It is recommended however, that you avoid exercise, heavy lifting and massaging the injected area injected for one day.

  • Rosacea Clearing FAQ

  • What Is Rocasea?

    It may begin as a tendency to flush or blush easily and progress to persistent redness in the center of the face that may gradually involve the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose. It also may involve the ears, chest and back.

    Some people experience facial redness, inflammation, burning or warm tingly sensations. As the disease progresses, small blood vessels and tiny pimples begin to appear on and around the reddened area; however, unlike acne, there are no blackheads. Some patients suffer from inflamed pustules or spots.

    Rosacea is primarily a disorder of the facial blood vessels that undergo changes and become hyper responsive to internal and external triggers such as sun exposure, heat, rich foods, caffeine and alcohol.

  • How can Rosacea be treated?

    Traditional treatments for rosacea include topical and oral anti-inflammatory and antibiotic medications. However, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) has been clinically proven as being successful in reducing the side-effects of Rosacea.

    Intense Pulsed Light therapy uses multiple wavelengths of light to treat dilated blood vessels in the face. The vascular structures which are responsible for causing Rosacea respond to the precise energy level and wavelength of light that is emitted via the laser. The small spot of laser light travels through the skin and is absorbed by the blood within these vessels. The resulting heat coagulates or clots the blood and destroys the function of the vessel. Over time, the vessel is absorbed by the body and disappears from sight. This leads to reduction of the redness and flushing appearance of facial skin.

  • How long do treatments take?

    IPL therapy takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes and is typically performed at six week intervals. Clients may require several initial treatments and then return annually for treatment of new blood vessels. Our team of highly trained professionals will create a skin rejuvenation program for you.

  • PhotoFacial FAQ

  • What is PhotoFacial?

    PhotoFacial is not a laser treatment. PhotoFacial is a non-invasive treatment and consists of the generation and transmission of extremely bright broad spectrum light through a handpiece with a smooth glass panel that is held to the surface of the skin.

  • How does PhotoFacial work?

    PhotoFacial is applied via a series of gentle light pulses over the treatment area. As the light penetrates the skin it is absorbed by small surface blood vessels or pigmentation. The heat generated by the absorbed energy causes damage to the vessels or pigmented areas stimulating the body's own natural healing process. Pigmented lesions will typically darken, and harden before they flake off or are absorbed by the body.

  • What are treatments like?

    A cool gel is usually applied to the area prior to treatment. Dark protective glasses will be provided to protect your eyes from the bright light. The smooth glass surface of the handpiece is held to treatment areas and pulses of light are applied. A slight sting may be felt - similar to the light snap of a small rubber band. Treatment is generally administered in a series of procedures that typically range from 20 to 45 minutes.

  • How many treatments will I need?

    Typically, a series of four or six treatments may be recommended at three week intervals. There is no "down-time" with PhotoFacial.You can return to work and assume all normal activities immediately after treatment. Follow-up treatments may be desired once a year to maintain results.

  • What will PhotoFacial do?

    After a series of treatments, you will see a significant reduction of unwanted pigmentation and your skin tone will even out. Expect to see a gradual decrease in redness, broken capillaries, flushing irregular pigmentation, pore size and fine lines. Results will continue as treatments progress.

  • Can PhotoFacial help Rosacea?

    Rosacea is a skin ailment that leaves people red-faced from dialated blood vessels and chronic flushing. Rosacea can also be the cause of pimples or blisters on or around the nose and cheeks. PhotoFacial can successfully treat dilated blood vessels and redness without impacting damaging surrounding healthy skin, while greatly reducing episodes of flushing with long-term effectiveness.

  • Can PhotoFacial help Broken Veins and Capillaries?

    Our bodies are an extensive network of veins and tiny blood vessels called capillaries. Over time, aging, trauma, lifestyles factors and sun exposure can cause a number of them to to break and appear as red streaks or blotches. PhotoFacial treatments can eliminate abnormally dilated vessels, damaged veins and capillaries by virtually removing all trace of these blemishes.

    PhotoFacial treatments are a non-invasive, effective and affordable way to treat sun-damaged.

  • Lip Enhancement - Restylane™ FAQ

  • Why Restylane?

    Safe * Effective * Long-Lasting; Immediate & Beautiful Results!

  • What is Restylane®?

    Restylane® is a transparent hyaluronic acid gel that is injected into facial tissue to smooth wrinkles and folds, especially around the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds). Restylane is made of non-animal-based hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that is produced naturally by the human body.

    Restylane® consists of 20 mg/mL of stabilized hyaluronic acid and physiological sodium chloride solution with a pH of 7. All Restylane® products are clear, transparent and viscous gels. The only difference between the products is the size of the gel particles. In contrast to some similar products, the hyaluronic acid in Restylane® is not produced from animals. This means that there is no risk of animal or human disease being transmitted or allergic reactions being elicited if you are sensitive to common foods, such as beef, chicken and eggs.

    Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is found throughout your body. It gives volume to the skin, lubricates the joints and gives the eyes their shape. The hylaluronic acid in Restylane® is stabilized for long duration and is not of animal or human origin.

  • How does it work?

    Restylane® works by temporarily adding volume to facial tissue. The effect lasts for about 6 months.

    Restylane® maintains its shape using the body's own moisture. The hyaluronic acid in Restylane® is hydrophilic or "water loving." As hyaluronic acid gradually degrades, each molecule binds to more water and over time, the same volume can be maintained with less hyaluronic acid. This ability of hyaluronic acid to bind to water is what helps provide long-lasting results.

    Unlike other hyaluronic acid-based products, such as those made from rooster combs, only Restylane® is non-animal-based. This quality virtually eliminates any risk of animal-based disease transmission or allergic reaction.

  • What areas can be treated?

    Restylane® can be used to smooth folds and wrinkles, enhance lips and shape facial contours. The most common areas are the glabellar lines (between the eyebrows), the nasolabial folds (from the bottom of the nose to the corner of the mouth) and the lips, although other sites can also be treated. Very superficial or very deep wrinkles may be difficult to correct. Please consult your physician for an assessment.

  • How is treatment performed?

    During treatment, crystal-clear Restylane® gel is injected into the skin in tiny amounts with a very fine needle. The gel produces volume under the wrinkle, which is lifted and smoothed. When enhancing lips or facial contours, Restylane® adds volume and shape to the treated area.

  • How long will my treatment take?

    Treatment with Restylane® is very quick and easy. As no pre-test is needed, the treatment can be carried out immediately. A treatment generally takes from 30 - 45 minutes, although the time varies, depending on the correction you wish to have performed.

  • What will it accomplish?

    Restylane® will help smooth moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. In a clinical study most patients needed one injection to achieve optimal wrinkle smoothing; about one-third of patients needed more than one injection to get a satisfactory result. The smoothing effect lasted about six months.

  • How soon before I see the results?

    The results can be seen immediately.

  • Can Restylane® be removed?

    No However, Restylane® dissolves naturally with time. If you feel uncertain about the desired result, you can choose to have the treatment done in steps on different occasions.

  • How long will Restylane® last?

    Restylane® dissolves naturally over time and is absorbed by your body over time. Your results will depend on several factors including; your skin's structure, your lifestyle, and your age. Experience indicates that touch-up and follow-up treatments will add to the duration. Most people choose to have a follow-up treatment within a year after the treatment of wrinkles and folds and within 6 months after a lip enhancement.

  • Can Restylane® replace surgical procedures?

    No, although Restylane® is sometimes used in conjunction with surgery to fill out wrinkles that cannot be removed by surgery.

  • DoesRestylane® get stiffer in cold weather? What happens in the sun?

    You should not expose the treated area to intense heat (e.g. in a solarium or by sunbathing) or extreme cold for the first few days after the treatment in order to avoid the risk of inflammation as the area has been disturbed. However, once Restylane has integrated into the body, it will adjust to your normal body temperature.

  • Are there any potential side effects?

    Side effects may include:

    • bruising
    • redness
    • swelling
    • pain
    • tenderness
    • itching
  • When should it not be used?

    Restylane® should not be used in patients who have:

    • Severe allergies marked by a history of anaphylaxis (hypersensitivity to the ingestion or injection of a drug or protein)
    • Multiple severe allergies
    • Severe allergies to gram-positive bacterial proteins
  • Perlane™ FAQ

  • What is Perlane™?

    Perlane™ is a transparent hyaluronic acid gel that is injected into facial tissue to smooth wrinkles and folds, especially around the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds). Perlane™ is made of non-animal-based hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that is produced naturally by the human body.

  • What is a Perlane™ injection?

    Your skin is made of two layers, with supporting columns holding them apart. The area in-between includes the clear-jelly like substance Hyaluronic Acid. While young, the Hyaluronic acid is in abundance. As you grow older, the acid between these layers diminishes, and the skin somewhat caves, causing a wrinkle along the line. The wrinkle would be gone if you filled that area back up with the Hyaluronic Acid jelly-like substance. That's where Perlane come in.

    The Perlane is injected into the skin with a very thin needle. It is injected into this area, and restores the natural volumes underneath the wrinkle. The wrinkle is now lifted up and smoothed out. All of this takes about 30 minutes, leaves no marks or scars, and the results can be seen immediately.

    Depending on the results you'd like, you can discuss maintenance with your doctor and the period between injections. Follow up injections typically need less Perlane to achieve the results you want. Time between injections is typically 6 to 12 months.

    Perlane™ maintains its shape using the body's own moisture. The hyaluronic acid in Perlane™ is hydrophilic or "water loving." As hyaluronic acid gradually degrades, each molecule binds to more water and over time, the same volume can be maintained with less hyaluronic acid. This ability of hyaluronic acid to bind to water is what helps provide long-lasting results.

    Unlike other hyaluronic acid-based products, such as those made from rooster combs, only Perlane™ is non-animal-based. This quality virtually eliminates any risk of animal-based disease transmission or allergic reaction.

  • What is a Perlane™ treatment?

    The Perlane is injected into the skin with a very thin needle, and restores the natural volumes underneath the wrinkle. The wrinkle is now lifted up and smoothed out. All of this takes about 30 minutes, leaves no marks or scars, and the results can be seen immediately.

  • What is Hyaluronic Acid?

    All living organisms have Hyaluronic Acid in their bodies. In humans this is the substance that creates volume in ones face, giving it a healthy, young appearance. You can imagine what Hyaluronic acid does for a face when you consider the rounded face of a child, which forms into adulthood, and eventually recedes toward the skull causing furrow lines. When these are augmented by Perlane, this crystal clear Hyaluronic acid combines with your own to revitalize the face.

  • Where can Perlane™ be used?

    Hyaluronic acid implantation can be used to improve the skin's contour and reduce depressions in the skin due to scars, injury or lines.

    Facial lines and features that can be corrected using hyaluronic acid implantation:

    • Worry lines that run across the forehead (forehead lines)
    • Crow's feet at the corner of the eyes (periorbital lines)
    • Frown lines that run between the eyebrows (glabellar lines)
    • Smoker's lines which are vertical lines on the mouth (perioral lines)
    • Marionette lines at the corner of the mouth (oral commissures)
    • Deep smile lines that run from side of the nose to corners of the mouth (nasolabial furrows)
    • Cheek depressions
    • Redefining lip border
    • Acne scars
    • Some facial scars
  • How long will my treatment take?

    Treatment times typically range from 30 to 45 minutes.

  • What will it accomplish?

    Perlane™ will help smooth moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. In a clinical study most patients needed one injection to achieve optimal wrinkle smoothing; about one-third of patients needed more than one injection to get a satisfactory result. The smoothing effect lasted about six months.

  • How long will Perlane™ last?

    Perlane™ dissolves and is absorbed by your body over time. Your results will depend on several factors including; your skin's structure, your lifestyle, and your age.

    Most people choose to repeat Perlane™ treatment from nine months to a year after wrinkle treatment and within six to nine months after lip enhancement.

  • Are there any potential side effects?

    After receiving a Perlane™ Injection some common side effects may be pain, redness, swelling, itching, discoloration, and tenderness at the point of injection. These side effects typically subside within two days of the Perlane™ injection procedure.

    While more severe reactions are rare, occuring in only 1 of 2000 patients on average, some have experienced localized swelling at the injection point, thought to be brought on by hypersensitivity.Tenderness, redness, and very rarely acne-like formations have appeared.

    Reactions can typically occur only a few days after the injection, or as long as four weeks. When a reaction does occur, its average lifespan is only a few weeks, and is typically described as moderate and mild.

  • When should it not be used?

    Perlane™ should not be used in patients who have:

    • Severe allergies marked by a history of anaphylaxis (hypersensitivity to the ingestion or injection of a drug or protein)
    • Multiple severe allergies
    • Severe allergies to gram-positive bacterial proteins
  • Endermology - Synergie™, the Cellulite Solution FAQ

  • Who can have Synergie™ treatments?

    Anyone who would like to see a temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite and circumferential body measurements of cellulite-treated areas may be a candidate for these treatments. Although women are the Synergie™ clients most often treated, men have also found Synergie™ to be helpful in treating problem areas. There are a few contraindications for these treatments, including deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis (phlebitis), recently diagnosed cancer, pregnancy, hemophilia, and uncontrolled high blood pressure. You PURE consultant will help you identify if Syngergie is right for you.

  • How do Synergie™ treatments feel?

    Synergie™ treatments are relaxing and invigorating. You are literally receiving a massage. Some clients may even fall asleep because it is so relaxing. The sensation is similar to a deep, invigorating massage. Treatment levels are adjusted for a client's comfort.

  • How often do I have to have Synergie™ treatments?

    The typical regimen is twice weekly for 30 minutes. The total number of treatments required depends on the individual's goals and needs. Treatments can be increased to three a week if desired but we recommend at least 48 hours between treatments.

  • When can I begin to see results?

    Noticeable outward changes can usually be seen within 4-5 treatments. However, results vary. A study of 36 women treated twice a week over an eight week period showed loss of inches in 100% of the participants and visible reduction in the appearance of cellulite in 91% of participants.

  • How long will the results last?

    In order to maintain results, monthly maintenance sessions are recommended after completing the initial aggressive phase. Treatment regimens can be customized to meet the goals of each client. Longevity of benefits will vary depending on the individual's lifestyle.

  • Is there a limit to how many treatments I can have?

    No! The Synergie™ treatments are a safe, reliable, non-surgical approach. A client could have treatments as often as every other day. Although you may begin to see results in as little as 6 treatments, you may continue to have treatments until individual goals and objectives are met.

  • Does this replace diet and exercise?

    No. In fact, if diet and exercise are used in conjunction with Synergie™ treatments, greater results will likely be experienced. A Synergie™ study showed optimal results are achieved by following the recommended program which includes Synergie™ treatments, regular exercise and proper nutrition.

  • What results can I expect if I choose to only receive the Synergie™ treatments?

    The Synergie™ study indicated a client would see tremendous results from receiving Synergie™ treatments only. The treatments alone will help the client temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite and circumferential body measurements of cellulite-treated areas. However, optimal results will occur when a client combines Synergie™ treatments with proper nutrition and regular exercise.

  • What happens if I begin treatments and for some reason have to stop for a few weeks? Do I have to start over again?

    Each treatment is effective yet subtle. Noticeable outward changes can usually be seen within 4-5 treatments, however results do vary with each client. Someone who sporadically receives treatments will see results. But a client who wishes to see optimal results should routinely participate in the program without interupting the treatment regimen which is twice weekly for two months or until individual results are achieved.

  • Is Synergie™ comparable to liposuction?

    No, there is no comparison. The Synergie™ Lifestyle System is non-invasive and painless. Synergie™ is a non-surgical alternative for the temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite and circumferential body measurements of cellulite-treated areas.

  • Do I need to modify my lifestyle during treatments?

    During your Synergie AMS™ treatment series, we urge you to drink adequate water - approximately 2 to 3 liters per day. Adequate water intake will help you reach your goal of reducing the appearance of cellulite. Factors such as proper diet and exercise will obviously have an effect on the overall health of your body as well. While you are taking the time to improve the appearance of your body, why not also incorporate nutrition and exercise for a truly well-rounded healthy lifestyle.

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